What is a Planning Area?
All of the parishes in the Archdiocese have been divided into 15 geographical Planning Areas. We are in Planning Area #9, which encompasses eight parishes in St. Charles County (see the map):
St. Francis of Assisi St. Charles Borromeo St. Peter St. Cletus St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Robert Bellarmine Sts. Joachim & Ann All Saints
Our Planning Area has 16 diocesan priests assigned to an area that serves a population of 152,500, almost 20 percent of which are registered as Catholic. Our area includes five elementary schools, which serve 1,037 students (according to Fall 2021 data).
Why is our Planning Area important?
The plans for the future of every parish in the Archdiocese will be based on these Planning Areas. The Archdiocese is currently creating three possible plans for each area that will be presented to each parish through Listening Sessions later this fall.
At those Listening Sessions, the Archdiocese will present different plans for how our Planning Area may be restructured. Feedback will be gathered and plans may be refined before the final decision is made, also by Planning